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Live2Lead is a leader development experience designed to equip you with new perspectives, practical tools and key takeaways. You'll learn from world-class leadership experts, be prepared to implement a new action plan, and start leading when you get back to the office with renewed passion and commitment.

This year’s speakers include

  • Rachel Hollis, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author and Entrepreneur

  • Angela Ahrendts, former Senior Vice President of Retail for Apple, Inc.

  • Marcus Buckingham, Best-Selling Author, Global Researcher, and Strengths Revolutionist

  • Chris Hogan, #1 national best-selling author and financial coach

  • John C. Maxwell, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author, Coach and Speaker

Speaking topics:

- Developing your unique style of leadership to make an impact where you are today

- Getting other people on board for the long haul with your vision and mission

- Creating a culture that makes your work more than a job

This event is a re-broadcast of John Maxwells live Live2Lead event. Lunch is included. Bring a friend or your whole team!